The BDD process looks like this:
A SubjectMatterExpert (typically a business user) works with a BusinessAnalyst to identify a business requirement. This is expressed as a story using the following template:
- As a Role
- I request a Feature
- To gain a Benefit
The speaker, who holds the Role, is the person who will gain the Benefit from the requested Feature.
This can also be paraphrased variously as …
- I want to achieve a specific Goal, and as a Role I should be able to accomplish this by performing Functionality.
- A Role invokes Feature to cause a Benefit.
Related Topics
StructureOfAProject, ProcessRationale, StructureOfAnIteration, FindingRequirements, FindingStories, DevelopmentEstimates, NextMostImportantStory, BehaviourDrivenCode, ShowAndTellSession